Design And Fabrication Of Smart Helmet

The project aims at the security and safety of the bikers against road accidents. We design a smart

Let's See


● Design and Analysis of a helmet with built in space for necessary circuitry ● Fabrication of the same in compliance to ECE-22.06 ● Mechanical Testing

Socio-Economic Benefit

1. Enhanced Safety and security 2. Economic Productivity 3. Environmental Impact 4. Technological Advancements


1. literature review 2. 3d modal/ CAD model 3. material selection 4. simulation 5. prototype 6. testing 7. manufacturing


After this project is conducted, we would be able to do the following ● Conduct Research Survey ● Design of Mechanical Part in CAD software and simulation of the model in ANSYS software.

Project Team Members

Registration# Name
CU-1054-2020 CU-1629-2020 Saeed Afridi Ali Ahmad


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